Rollup plugin for optimising inline GLSL
Rollup plugin for optimising inline GLSL
Create multi-pass shaders in ThreeJS, intuitively.
CLI tool for creating Three.js Vite projects with GLSL support
Local resolution lygia dependencies for glsl
Tools for creating signed distance fields from image data
A plugin to write GLSL more comfortably.
Import, inline (and compress) GLSL shader files
Hardware accelerated graphics language and un-parser
Renderers on modern browser
A custom element for wrapping the hydra-synth engine
a sphere mesh with normals, texture coordinates and indices
Vue component for adding GLSL to images
A Shadertoy renderer using WebGPU
WebGL libary
A GPU-accelerated computing library for physics simulations and other mathematical calculations
`simple fragment shader / feedback effect declarative webgl helper`
texture utils for kami
. 自定义改造 regl 使之兼容小程序环境 - 处理兼容动态函数 - l7eval5 Function.apply - 数据纹理参数取值为空 - gl.getParamter(...) - 兼容事件注册 context_lost、restore - canvas.addEventListener - 增加对 webgl 扩展验证的支持 - gl.getExtension(...) - 增加对小程序环境 imageData、canvas 的判断 - isPixelData、isAliMiniCanvas
A javascript library that imitates glsl vectors
A collection of GLSL noise functions for use with WebGL with an easy to use API.