Utils for db and routing ...
Utils for db and routing ...
Mixins for use with Alt and react
Decorator for passing Altjs store state through props
Always add alt attribute for images that don't have it (accessibility reasons)
Connect flux to react
Update all row numbers in all console.logs in JS code
Yeoman generator for react-webpack-node
A Redux add-on that brings back the clean, minimal-boilerplate syntax you enjoyed with classic Flux libraries like Alt, Reflux, and Flummox, along with better TypeScript support
dom events support for alt
The simple way to get started with React & Redux.
An ES7 universal ReactJS with AltJS boilerplate
Get the state of any pressed meta keys, differentiating between their left/right location on the keyboard
A flux implementation
Generator for isomorphic flux apps with React and Alt
PouchDB flux store
This integration makes it possible to populate and share Alt stores between react component located in different part of rails views.
Logger for alt
A new generation of the alt flux implementation
Connect react-router to alt