Handles completion and errors for sync, callbacks, promises, observables and streams.
Handles completion and errors for sync, callbacks, promises, observables and streams.
Time async functions using async-done for execution and completion.
knock-knock-go is React a helper to simplify the process of loading asynchronous components by dealing with the logic around when to render the component, an error or a loading message
No more hell. Callbacks made easy, with error handlers and more.
Tiny extension for native Promises to make them more suitable for Node core APIs.
A GitHub App built with Probot that opens or closes issues when they are moved to a project column.
Extends `letta` to accept and handles more than functions only. Handles all kind of results from `letta`. Basically, creating promise from everything - strings, arrays, objects, functions, generators, generator functions, promises, streams, child processe
Tooling to create reports from TaskWarrior using Mozilla Nunjucks.
Get a callback when all streams have ended
Use this simple CLI to tell your team which tasks you have finished!
Create thunk from async or sync function. Works like `thunkify`.
a simple library that allows you to run async unit tests(in libraries like mocha or jest) and call done()
a cli todo list designed for geeks
Scraper for the GDQ Donation Tracker
A React component that triggers a callback when the user has finished typing in the input text box
A linter for promises that checks for possible Promise.then usage errors and advises to use Promise.done instead.
Acts like `co@4` and also is drop-in replacement for it (pass 100% of the tests). Built on top of `merz`, actually thanks to `always-done`. But accept everything, not only generators - sync functions, async functions, callbacks and more. Flow-control for
Middleware composition at new level. Ultimate alternative to `ware`, `plugins`, `koa-compose` and `composition` packages. Allows you to use callbacks, promises, generators and async/await functions as middlewares.
Polyfills Promise.done()
It's just countdowns your callbacks.