Native modules to determine if a location is within defined geographical boundaries using Google Geometry library
Native modules to determine if a location is within defined geographical boundaries using Google Geometry library
Adonis Client for Google Maps Services
Location Picker component for Vue.js
A declarative React interface to Google Maps
Location Picker component for Vue.js
A more powerfully custom version of the Google Maps Javascript API built for React. Multiple Datalayer support. GEOJSON Enabled.
heatmap.js Google Maps Overlay
jQuery Wrapper for Google Maps API v3.
AngularJS directives for Google Maps
Find latitudes and longitudes for an array of addresses
AngularJS directives for the Google Maps API using the native way
Just [Maps JavaScript API][maps-js-api] wrapper for use with Angular.
ngx-google-map is a angular 4 and above component for angular apps.
Location Picker component for Vue 2
**@ng-maps/marker-clusterer** is a wrapper around [MarkerClusterer](
Provides API for showing location on a google maps.
This is to give the latitude and longitude of airport list.
Leaflet maps extensions for Targomo's time-based access mapping services.
A clone of Google Maps JavaScript API v3 library InfoBubble to create customizable CSS3-based InfoWindows converted to [commonJS]( format.
Google Maps API Wrapper