Write templates with embedded JavaScript expressions
Write templates with embedded JavaScript expressions
An ES6 template tag which escapes parameters for interpolation into shell commands
Minify HTML template literal strings
Tagged template literal for authoring HTML in JavaScript
Yaml tagged template literal
ES6 template literal tag to format message strings
ES6 SQL-escaping tagged template literal that spits out a sanitized SQL string
Small formatting library based on a tagged template literal
`safety-match` provides pattern matching for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Flow.
Gulp plugin to extract tagged template literals, for i18n and l10n. Build a translations.json! Edit
API client for Tagged with support for nodejs and angularjs
module for webpack
ES6 Template Strings + Promises
Translates i18n tagged template literals based on a json configuration
A Rollup plugin to minify html template literals
supports tagged strings describing processable HTTP requests
Colorfull tagged logger
Gulp wrapper for the 'minify-html-literals' package.
A small companion library for node-postgres
Base generic type for weak nominal typing in Typescript