JavaScript terrain mesh generation tool
JavaScript terrain mesh generation tool
Generates random terrains for use in Cities: Skylines.
Canvas heightmap generator
Given a heightmap, generate a "contoured" terrain mesh
Planetary geometry generator
An optimal pathfinder for vehicles in real-world digital terrain maps.
Convert an image into a heightmap, based on the pixels' colors
Heatmap plugin for Leaflet.js
Use diamond-square algorithm to generate heightmaps.
Simple heightmap generator for HTML5 canvas
Library for procedurally generating heightmaps
Mid-point displacement map
a node package for generating terrain geometry from heightmaps and densitymaps
Vanilla JS implementation of Diamond-Square algorithm for generating realistic terrain heightmaps
FastNoise Lite is an extremely portable open source noise generation library with a large selection of noise algorithms
FastNoise Lite is an extremely portable open source noise generation library with a large selection of noise algorithms
generate a triangle mesh from a distance function
Map generator from heightmap (comma separated numbers file). It process a heightmap as input and generates a png with a graduated color scale (customizable through the arguments)
Heightmap generator based on the Diamond-Square algorithm