Use 4 & 8 character hex color notation in CSS
Use 4 & 8 character hex color notation in CSS
Ensures consistent encoding and decoding of TC Signals for the iab. Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF).
Ensures other in-page digital marketing technologies have access to CMP transparency and consent information for the iab. Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF).
Web color picker with opacity channel (alpha channel) and custom palette. Supports CSS colors such as rgba() and hex, including #rrggbbaa.
CMP API Stub code
Flatten canvas image data with transparency on a solid background
Convert rgba() values to hex
Comprehensive, fast, and simple image processing and manipulation
HTML5 video with alpha channel transparencies
QR Code generator (png, svg, pdf, eps) with color and transparency support
A Leaflet plugin that allows to interact with semi-transparent tiled overlays
The go-to solution to Electron composition effects
Simple JavaScript parser for transparency and consent strings compatible with TCF 2.0.
JavaScript bindings for DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow
Shared testing utilities
A Leaflet plugin that allows to add an opacity control
CTjs is a full set of classes necessary to work with any kind of Certificate Transparency log (V1 as from RFC6962, or V2 as from RFC6962-bis). In CTjs you could find all necessary validation/verification functions for all related data shipped with full-fe
Comprehensive, fast, and simple image processing and manipulation
Fork with fixed darken and blur. Comprehensive, fast, and simple image processing and manipulation
Decode a iab TCF (Transparency and Consent Framework) TC String via the command line