Topological indexing for simplicial complexes
Topological indexing for simplicial complexes
Enumerates all boundary cells in a simplicial complex
3D mesh drawing
Extract a contour on a simplicial complex
Any dimensional alpha shape computation
Computes the alpha complex of a point set in any dimension
Extracts the boundary of a simplicial complex
Cancels oppositely oriented cells in a simplicial complex
Test if two sets of integers are equal up to an even permutation
An ordering for sets of integers
a sphere mesh with normals, texture coordinates and indices
an indexed quad mesh with normals and UVs
creates a 3D torus mesh
render simplicial complexes with ThreeJS
Compute mesh normals using angle weights
Convert a flat array into a simplicial-complex-style indexed mesh, without optimisation.
draws a simplicial complex using Canvas2D context
A minimal cube geometry for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces).
A rounded cube geometry for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces).
Geometries for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces). Perfect if you want to supercharge your dependency folder... with 30KB of geometries.