Geometry intersection and bounding volume helpers for PEX.
Geometry intersection and bounding volume helpers for PEX.
Modern WebGL state wrapper for PEX: allocate GPU resources (textures, buffers), setup state pipelines and passes, and combine them into commands.
Array-based vector, quaternion and matrix math with utils for PEX.
Camera models and modifiers.
Create a RenderingContext (2d, webgl, webgl2, webgpu) for use in PEX.
File I/O in PEX.
Random value generators (float, int, vector and noise) for PEX.
Color utilities (css, p3, hex, hsl, hsv, hwb, lab, lch, xyz, okhsl, okhsv, oklab, oklch, hpluv, hsluv, lchuv, bytes) for PEX.
Creates circle geometry
Physically Based Renderer for Pex
Compute normals for a simplicial complex geometry based on faces/cells information.
Simplicial-complex-like geometry builder backed by typed arrays.
Center a simplicial complex geometry's positions in place and scale them to fill a defined bounding box.
Parse Wavefront .obj geometry files.
System and platform specific utilities for the pex library
GUI controls for PEX.
Creates a new geometry with unique vertices for each face.
Pex is a javascript 3d library / engine allowing for seamless development between Plask and WebGL in the browser.
Computes unique edges for a list of faces.
Create a simplicial complex geometry by revolving a path around Y axis.