1.0.4 • Published 5 years ago
svavatar v1.0.4
Svavatar is a Svelte component wrapping Dicebear's Avatars
- "Code" and "Avataaars" avatars not included because of compatibility issues (feel free to pull!)
- All options are available and kept in the same format as the original package
How to use?
- Import the component in your application
import {Svavatar} from 'svavatar'
- Use the component like any Svelte component and pass the mandatory
parameter, aseed
as separate, individual parameters. Example:
or<Svavatar type="human" mood="happy" seed="tako"/>
<Svavatar type="initials" bold={true} seed="John Doe"/>
Type of Avatars
type | male | female | human | identicon | initials | bottts | jdenticon | gridy |
More Info
For more information about the different types of avatars and their individual parameters, visit Dicebear's Avatars