2.0.9 • Published 3 years ago

@olivervorasai/slider v2.0.9

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Last release
3 years ago


About Vueform

Vueform is a comprehensive form builder for Vue.js that makes form development a breeze. It standardizes and handles the entire form building process, including:

  • a complete theming and templating system with Tailwind support (similar to @vueform libraries)
  • 25+ form elements with multi-file uploads, date pickers and rich text editor
  • element nesting and repeating
  • 50+ validators with async, dependent and custom rules
  • conditional logic on element & form level
  • breaking forms into steps with form wizard
  • dynamic form rendering with JSON support
  • translating form content and global i18n support.

Vueform pre-release is open for registration for the first 100 developers with special discounts.

Learn more: https://vueform.com

Other libraries

  • @vueform/multiselect - Vue 3 multiselect component with single select, multiselect and tagging options.
  • @vueform/toggle - Vue 3 toggle component with labels, custom slots and styling options.

Slider features

  • Vue 2 & 3 support
  • 100% coverage
  • TypeScript support
  • ESM support
  • Fully configurable
  • Single slider
  • Multiple sliders
  • Tooltips
  • Formatting
  • CSS vars support
  • Tailwind & utility class support
  • Based on noUiSlider



Check out our demo.


npm install @vueform/slider

Using with Vue 3

    <Slider v-model="value" />

  import Slider from '@vueform/slider'

  export default {
    components: {
    data() {
      return {
        value: 20

<style src="@vueform/slider/themes/default.css"></style>

Using with Vue 2

When using Vue 2 install @vue/composition-api via npm/yarn first:

npm i @vue/composition-api --save-dev

Then install the plugin for Vue:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueCompositionAPI from '@vue/composition-api'


After that make sure to change the imported Slider module to:

import Slider from '@vueform/slider/dist/slider.vue2.js'

Using with Nuxt.js

First you need install @nuxtjs/composition-api:

npm i @nuxtjs/composition-api --save

Then you need to enable it as a module in nuxt.config.js:

  buildModules: [

After that make sure to change the imported module to Vue 2 version of Slider:

import Slider from '@vueform/slider/dist/slider.vue2'

For more information on using @nuxtjs/composition-api read their documentation.


Join our Discord channel or open an issue.


Basic props

idstringsliderThe id attribute of slider container DOM.
lazybooleantrueWhether to update v-model only when the slider value is set and not while dragging. If enabled you must not use inline objects as props (eg. format, options, classes) but outsource them to a data property.
disabledbooleanfalseWhether the slider should be disabled.
minnumber0Minimum value of the slider.
maxnumber100Maximum value of the slider.
stepnumber1The jump between intervals. If -1 it enables fractions (eg. 1.23).
tooltipsbooleantrueWhether tooltips should show above handlers.
showTooltipstring'always'When tooltips should be shown. Possible values: always\|focus\|drag.
mergenumber-1The step distance between two handles when their tooltips should be merged (when step is -1 then 1 is assumed). Eg: { merge: 5, step: 10 } -> values: 0, <=50 will merge -> values: 0, 60 will not merge { merge: 5, step: -1 } -> values: 0, <=5 will merge -> values: 0, 5.01 will not merge
formatobject\|functionFormats the tooltip. It can be either a function that receives a value param and expects a string or number as return or an object with the following properties: prefix - eg $ -> $100 suffix - eg USD -> 100USD decimals - eg 2 -> 100.00 thousand - eg , - 1,000
orientationstring'horizontal'The orientation of the slider. Possible values: horizontal\|vertical
directionstring'ltr'The direction of the slider. By default value increases left-to-right and top-to-bottom, which is reversed when using rtl. Possible values: ltr\|rtl
tooltipPositionstringnullThe position of the slider tooltips. Possible values: null\|'top'\|'bottom'\|'left'\|'right' depending on orientation prop. When null it equals to orientation default ('top' for 'horizontal' and 'left' for 'vertical').
optionsobject{}Additional options for noUiSlider.
classesobjectAn object of class names that gets merged with the default values. Default:{  target: 'slider-target',  ltr: 'slider-ltr',  rtl: 'slider-rtl',  horizontal: 'slider-horizontal',  vertical: 'slider-vertical',  textDirectionRtl: 'slider-txt-dir-rtl',  textDirectionLtr: 'slider-txt-dir-ltr',  base: 'slider-base',  connects: 'slider-connects',  connect: 'slider-connect',  origin: 'slider-origin',  handle: 'slider-handle',  touchArea: 'slider-touch-area',  tooltip: 'slider-tooltip',  tooltipTop: 'slider-tooltip-top',  tooltipBottom: 'slider-tooltip-bottom',  tooltipLeft: 'slider-tooltip-left',  tooltipRight: 'slider-tooltip-right',  active: 'slider-active',  draggable: 'slider-draggable',  tap: 'slider-state-tap',  drag: 'slider-state-drag'}


@changevalueEmitted when dragging the slider is finished or it's value changed by clicking, keyboard or programmatical set.
@updatevalueEmitted in the same scenarios as changed, but also when the slider is being dragged if lazy option is disabled.


Styling with CSS vars

The following CSS variables can be used to customize slider when using default.css:

--slider-bg: #D1D5DB;
--slider-connect-bg: #10B981;
--slider-connect-bg-disabled: #9CA3AF;
--slider-height: 6px;
--slider-vertical-height: 300px;
--slider-radius: 9999px;

--slider-handle-bg: #fff;
--slider-handle-border: 0;
--slider-handle-width: 16px;
--slider-handle-height: 16px;
--slider-handle-radius: 9999px;
--slider-handle-shadow: 0.5px 0.5px 2px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.32);
--slider-handle-shadow-active: 0.5px 0.5px 2px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.42);
--slider-handle-ring-width: 3px;
--slider-handle-ring-color: #10B98130;

--slider-tooltip-font-size: 0.875rem;
--slider-tooltip-line-height: 1.25rem;
--slider-tooltip-font-weight: 600;
--slider-tooltip-min-width: 20px;
--slider-tooltip-bg: #10B981;
--slider-tooltip-bg-disabled: #9CA3AF;
--slider-tooltip-color: #fff;
--slider-tooltip-radius: 5px;
--slider-tooltip-py: 2px;
--slider-tooltip-px: 6px;
--slider-tooltip-arrow-size: 5px;
--slider-tooltip-distance: 3px;

Override them globally:

:root {
  --slider-connect-bg: #3B82F6;
  --slider-tooltip-bg: #3B82F6;
  --slider-handle-ring-color: #3B82F630;

Or on instance level:


.slider-red {
  --slider-connect-bg: #EF4444;
  --slider-tooltip-bg: #EF4444;
  --slider-handle-ring-color: #EF444430;

.slider-blue {
  --slider-connect-bg: #3B82F6;
  --slider-tooltip-bg: #3B82F6;
  --slider-handle-ring-color: #3B82F630;

Styling with Tailwind CSS

To use the slider with Tailwind CSS you must add it as a plugin to tailwind.config.js:

// tailwind.config.js

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [

This plugin adds certain utilities and variants which are neccessary for the slider but Tailwind does not provide by default.

After that you need to import themes/tailwind.scss to you main component:

  <div id="app">
    <Slider ... />

  // ...

<style lang="scss">
  @import 'path/to/node_modules/@vueform/slider/themes/tailwind.scss'

Using :classes prop

Alternatively you can define class names directly by passing them to the Slider component via classes property. When using this approach you don't need to import tailwind.scss. Here's a default styling for Tailwind CSS (the same included in tailwind.scss):

<Slider v-model="value" :classes="{
  target: 'relative box-border select-none touch-none tap-highlight-transparent touch-callout-none disabled:cursor-not-allowed',
  focused: 'slider-focused',
  tooltipFocus: 'slider-tooltip-focus',
  tooltipDrag: 'slider-tooltip-drag',
  ltr: 'slider-ltr',
  rtl: 'slider-rtl',
  horizontal: 'slider-horizontal h-1.5',
  vertical: 'slider-vertical w-1.5 h-80',
  textDirectionRtl: 'slider-txt-rtl',
  textDirectionLtr: 'slider-txt-ltr',
  base: 'w-full h-full relative z-1 bg-gray-300 rounded',
  connects: 'w-full h-full relative overflow-hidden z-0 rounded',
  connect: 'absolute z-1 top-0 right-0 transform-origin-0 transform-style-flat h-full w-full bg-green-500 cursor-pointer tap:duration-300 tap:transition-transform disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:cursor-not-allowed',
  origin: 'slider-origin absolute z-1 top-0 right-0 transform-origin-0 transform-style-flat h-full w-full h:h-0 v:-top-full txt-rtl-h:left-0 txt-rtl-h:right-auto v:w-0 tap:duration-300 tap:transition-transform',
  handle: 'absolute rounded-full bg-white border-0 shadow-slider cursor-grab focus:outline-none h:w-4 h:h-4 h:-top-1.5 h:-right-2 txt-rtl-h:-left-2 txt-rtl-h:right-auto v:w-4 v:h-4 v:-top-2 v:-right-1.25 disabled:cursor-not-allowed focus:ring focus:ring-green-500 focus:ring-opacity-30',
  touchArea: 'h-full w-full',
  tooltip: 'absolute block text-sm font-semibold whitespace-nowrap py-1 px-1.5 min-w-5 text-center text-white rounded border border-green-500 bg-green-500 transform h:-translate-x-1/2 h:left-1/2 v:-translate-y-1/2 v:top-1/2 disabled:bg-gray-400 disabled:border-gray-400 merge-h:translate-x-1/2 merge-h:left-auto merge-v:-translate-x-4 merge-v:top-auto tt-focus:hidden tt-focused:block tt-drag:hidden tt-dragging:block',
  tooltipTop: 'bottom-6 h:arrow-bottom merge-h:bottom-3.5',
  tooltipBottom: 'top-6 h:arrow-top merge-h:top-5',
  tooltipLeft: 'right-6 v:arrow-right merge-v:right-1',
  tooltipRight: 'left-6 v:arrow-left merge-v:left-7',
  tooltipHidden: 'slider-tooltip-hidden',
  active: 'slider-active shadow-slider-active cursor-grabbing',
  draggable: 'cursor-ew-resize v:cursor-ns-resize',
  tap: 'slider-state-tap',
  drag: 'slider-state-drag',
}" />

There are certain variants that help detecting different states/config of the slider:

  • h - applied when the slider is horizontal
  • v - applied when the slider is vertical
  • merge-h - applied when the slider is horizontal and tooltips are merged
  • merge-v - applied when the slider is horizontal and tooltips are merged
  • disabled - applied when the slider is disabled
  • txt-rtl-h - applied when the slider is horizontal and text direction is set to rtl
  • tap - applied when the slider bar is being taped to jump to certain position
  • tt-focus - applied when the slider should only display tooltips on focus (showToolip: 'focus') and the slider is not focused
  • tt-focused - applied when the slider should only display tooltips on focus and the slider is focused
  • tt-drag - applied when the slider should only display tooltips on drag (showToolip: 'drag') and the slider is not being dragged
  • tt-dragging - applied when the slider should only display tooltips on drag and the slider is being dragged

The target class receives ltr, rtl, horizontal, vertical, textDirectionRtl, textDirectionLtr, focused, tooltipFocus, tooltipDrag, tap, and drag classes when the related state is applied.

Certain classes do not define any styles (like .slider-horizontal, .slider-vertical) but only required to detect certain states. If you are changing the class list for any class name make sure to always keep the ones that start with slider- to be able to use the utilities mentioned above (h, v, etc).

In case you need to override the same type of utility you might use @neojp/tailwind-important-variant and use eg. bg-green-500!.


Single slider


  import Slider from '@vueform/slider'

  export default {
    components: { Slider },
    data: () => ({
      value: 20

JSFiddle - Example #1

Multiple slider


  import Slider from '@vueform/slider'

  export default {
    components: { Slider },
    data: () => ({
      value: [20, 40]

JSFiddle - Example #2

Tooltip formatting


  import Slider from '@vueform/slider'

  export default {
    components: { Slider },
    data: () => ({
      value: 20,
      format: function (value) {
        return `€${Math.round(value)}`

JSFiddle - Example #3

Tooltip merging


  import Slider from '@vueform/slider'

  export default {
    components: { Slider },
    data: () => ({
      value: [20, 30, 40],
      merge: 10,
      format: {
        prefix: '$',
        decimals: 2

JSFiddle - Example #4

Vertical slider


  import Slider from '@vueform/slider'

  export default {
    components: { Slider },
    data: () => ({
      value: 50,
      orientation: 'vertical',
      direction: 'rtl'

JSFiddle - Example #5




3 years ago