1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

@sudophunk/v4-client v1.0.0

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Last release
1 year ago

The v4-Client Typescript client is used for placing transactions and querying the Furya chain.


v4-client-js uses node v18 for development. You can use nvm to manage different versions of node.

nvm install
nvm use
nvm alias default $(nvm version) # optional

You can run the following commands to ensure that you are running the correct node and npm versions.

node -v # expected: v18.x.x (should match .nvmrc)
npm -v  # expected: 8.x.x

Single-JS for mobile apps

Mobile apps needs to load JS as a single JS file. To build, run

npm run webpack

The file is generated in native/ios/v4-native-client.js Pending: Different configurations may be needed to generate JS for Android app


Using the npm version command will update the appropriate version tags within the package locks and also will add a git tag with the version number.. For example npm version minor will perform the necessary changes for a minor version release. After the change is merged, a GitHub action will publish the new release.


1 year ago