2.0.0 • Published 4 years ago
samc2 v2.0.0
React Card Carousel
A simple React carousel.
- GitHub
- Demo
npm install react-card-carousel --save
Peer Dependencies
Be sure to have all peer dependencies installed as well. React Card Carousel requires the peer dependencies below:
Current Version: 1.1.3
- 1.1.3 fixed setState warning on componentWillUnmount
- Removed styled-components as a peer dependency
- Greatly reduced package size
- Various bug fixes
Import ReactCardCarousel and use it as a wrapper around card elements. Example:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactCardCarousel from 'react-card-carousel';
class MyCarousel extends Component {
static get CARD_STYLE() {
return {
height: '200px',
width: '200px',
paddingTop: '80px',
textAlign: 'center',
background: '#52C0F5',
color: '#FFF',
fontSize: '12px',
textTransform: 'uppercase',
borderRadius: '10px',
render() {
return (
<ReactCardCarousel autoplay={ true } autoplay_speed={ 2500 }>
<div style={ MyCarousel.CARD_STYLE }>
First Card
<div style={ MyCarousel.CARD_STYLE }>
Second Card
<div style={ MyCarousel.CARD_STYLE }>
Third Card
<div style={ MyCarousel.CARD_STYLE }>
Fourth Card
<div style={ MyCarousel.CARD_STYLE }>
Fifth Card
export default MyCarousel;
(String, oneOfhorizontal
, default:horizontal
): Card alignment display.spread
(String, oneOfnarrow
, default:medium
): Spread between cards.initial_index
(Number, default: 0): Which card to display as center card initially.disable_keydown
(Boolean, default: false): Disables left and right arrow key scroll.disable_box_shadow
(Boolean, default: false): Disables box shadow around center card.disable_fade_in
(Boolean, default: false): Disables initial animation on component render.autoplay
(Boolean, default: false)autoplay_speed
(Number, default: 5000): Number in milliseconds.afterChange
(Function (cardIndex) => {}, default: null): After card change function.
To use any instance methods, you must first create a ref to the ReactCardCarousel instance. Learn more about React refs in the official documentation.
<ReactCardCarousel ref={ Carousel => this.Carousel = Carousel }>
The methods can be accessed on the this.Carousel
: Sets next card as center card.this.Carousel.prev()
: Sets previous card as center card.this.Carousel.goTo(index)
: Sets the specified number index as center card.this.Carousel.getCurrentIndex()
: Gets current card index.
NOTE: If you choose to create the ref using React.createRef() instead of using a callback ref, the methods can be accessed on the this.Carousel.current
Created by @strawbee at Tomorrow Ideas.