1.0.2 • Published 5 years ago
@cashremit/cr-streamline-icons v1.0.2
cashremit Marketing Icons
A React wrapper for Streamline Icons
All icons available in Streamline App will be available as React components within @cashremit/cr-streamline-icons
To find the icon you are after you can either use the Streamline App web interface or dig through the folders manually. You can use icons in React as follows.
import PhoneIconLight from '@cashremit/cr-streamline-icons/lib/light/20-Phones-Mobile-Devices/01-Phone/Phone'
import PhoneIconRegular from '@cashremit/cr-streamline-icons/lib/regular/20-Phones-Mobile-Devices/01-Phone/Phone'
import PhoneIconBold from '@cashremit/cr-streamline-icons/lib/bold/20-Phones-Mobile-Devices/01-Phone/Phone'
const App = () => (
<PhoneIconLight size="sm" color="" />
<PhoneIconRegular size="md" color="" />
<PhoneIconBold size="lg" color="" />
Refer to the Icon.js
class to see all properties available to these icon components.