1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

fixed_form_builder v1.0.0

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1 year ago

npm run start:editor || npm run start:viewer



View, visually edit and simulate JSON-based forms.


This library exports a form viewer, editor and playground.

Display a form

Renders a form based on [a form schema](./docs/FORM_SCHEMA.md) and existing data:

import { Form } from "@bpmn-io/form-js";

const form = new Form({
  container: document.querySelector("#form"),

await form.importSchema(schema, data);

form.on("submit", (event) => {
  console.log(event.data, event.errors);

See [viewer documentation](./packages/form-js-viewer) for further details.

Create and edit a form

Create a new form or edit an exsting one:

import { FormEditor } from "@bpmn-io/form-js";

const formEditor = new FormEditor({
  container: document.querySelector("#form-editor"),

await formEditor.importSchema(schema);

See [editor documentation](./packages/form-js-editor) for further details.

Create and simulate a form with input and output data

Create and simulate a form with input and output data:

import { FormPlayground } from "@bpmn-io/form-js";

const formPlayground = new FormPlayground({
  container: document.querySelector("#form-playground"),

See [playground documentation](./packages/form-js-playground) for further details.


  • [Demo](https://demo.bpmn.io/form)
  • [Issues](https://github.com/bpmn-io/form-js/issues)
  • [Changelog](./packages/form-js/CHANGELOG.md)
  • [Contributing guide](https://github.com/bpmn-io/.github/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#create-a-pull-request)
  • [Form schema](./docs/FORM_SCHEMA.md)

Build and run

Build the project in a Posix environment. On Windows, that is [Git Bash](https://gitforwindows.org/) or WSL.

Note we currently support development environments with Node.js version 16 (and npm version 8). We encourage you to use a Node.js version manager (e.g., [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) or [n](https://github.com/tj/n)) to set up the needed versions.

Prepare the project by installing all dependencies:

npm install

Then, depending on your use-case you may run any of the following commands:

# build the library and run all tests
npm run all

# spin up a single local form-js instance
npm start

# spin up a specific instance

## viewer
npm run start:viewer

## editor
npm run start:editor

## playground
npm run start:playground

To run the visual regression tests, read the docs [here](./e2e/README.md)


Use under the terms of the [bpmn.io license](http://bpmn.io/license).


1 year ago